domingo, 22 de novembro de 2009

Actividade 1 - Teaching Techniques Online

A short presentation with great information...see - Stephen Downes

Here we can see Communities of Educators Online, which are formed in different Web 2.0 services, for example: flickr, google reader, facebook, ning, plaxo, google groups.
We do not want our classrooms to be like classrooms, this creates a new challenge for teachers.

The challenge for educators across the nation has become how to design and develop a teacher corps and school structure that allows for a school that operates in a completely different manner than the classrooms we experienced in our own.

There are different levels of interactivity: Communication - individualism, Cooperation - mesh, or network, Collaboration - unity, or whole.

Which level prevails in web 2.0 - Learning in a Mesh, Interacting in the Network, Interactive content, Personal Learning Environments, Personal Learning Landscape, the PLE Function in Social Media, the PLE aplications.

We see one set of tools that will enable teachers to apply different teaching techniques , the new office 2.0 of students:
Bookmarking - delicious, Calendar - Google Calendar, Contacts - LinkedIn, CRM - Salesforce, Databese - Dabble, desktop - Homepage, scribd Document Management, Email - Gmail , Feed Reading - Google Reader, Presentation - Zoho Show, Spreadsheets - Google Spreadsheet, Weblog - Word Press, Documents - Google Docs, Drawing - Gliffy, Grup Management - Ice Core, Mind Mapping - MindMeister, Photo Editor - Picnik, Photo manager - Flickr, Web Conferencing - Vyew, Webcasting - All these services / tools belong to the users, are likely to be shared, which will facilitate the work of teachers and students.

If the teacher chooses a cooperative education, students will have a set of tools that support this form of education, for ex.: Yahoo Pipes, Google Gears, gRSShopper ....

Supporting Educational Communities - The idea of providing services, 19 of the top 20 software applications used by educators are free.

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